Friday, May 11, 2012

Mini Popcorn Cake

This cake is only about 4 inches in diameter. It was so small and so fun to make!

The cake is covered in homemade fondant, and the tickets are made from the same fondant. I used a clean paintbrush (used only for cake decorating) to "paint" the stripes onto the cake. If you'd like to paint on fondant, just mix a little gel food coloring with some vanilla extract to dilute it, and use it just like you would use water colors.

The popcorn is made from miniature yellow marshmallows. I used clean scissors to snip each marshmallow in one direction, and then again across the first cut to make an "x." Then, I pushed the cut pieces out a little and used a small brush to paint yellow food coloring inside the cut for the popcorn kernel.

Wouldn't this be a fun cake for a movie party?

Happy caking!


Rhonda's Ultimate Marshmallow Fondant:

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